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Fine Living Services | THE ISLAND OF DELOS


The island of Delos, an UNESCO World Heritage site, is an ark of history, floating lazily on the waters of the Aegean Sea, just a few miles away from cosmopolitan Mykonos.

In the ancient times, the myth of god Apollo, god of light, and goddess Artemis having been born there rendered the island sacred: no mortal would ever be allowed to be born on its land. But, a cradle of gods as the island has been, no mortals would ever be allowed to die on it either. So, apart from it being a conspicuous religious and economic centre, the island had also been exclusive in that: even during the years of peak of the Delian Alliance, women on the brink of childbirth and people close to dying would be carried to the neighbouring island of Rineia. The whole of the known world of that age was aware of the sacredness of the island and of its uniqueness.

Make arrangements for a luxury boating excursion from the nearby island of Mykonos and get a chance to explore the glory of the Ancient Greek Civilization.